The Harmonic Egg.
It’s a new “energy healing” therapy people are learning about all around the world. We at Next Level Harmonics, are proud to bring this brand-new experience to all the people of North Texas.
But the sound and light therapy are as old as civilization itself. People have been using “energy therapy” for centuries to treat illness, relax their minds, connect with their inner selves, and achieve a state of hyper-relaxation…and it’s completely natural.
That’s why we love the Harmonic Egg!
At Next Level Harmonics, we’re sharing the love of our new Harmonic Egg and the amazing benefits it offers to the mind, body and soul.
Restores Balance: Lack of concentration, insomnia, ADHD, anxiety and lack of motivation—these are all your body’s way of telling you that “I am out of balance, and you need to do something.” Well, let’s do something.
The resonance chamber vibrates at the earth’s natural frequency, bringing balance to your body at a cellular level. Restoring balance to your body. It’s just like a big reset button.
Enhances Bio Energy: The Harmonic Egg creates the perfect environment for promoting relaxation and rejuvenating the body’s own healing energy. It is a completely natural holistic therapy experience that has been passed on through centuries, and has now been perfected in the form of The Harmonic Egg.
Using light and sound therapy, coupled with sacred geometry, the Harmonic Egg amplifies the flow of life energy through your body.
Improves Your Quality of Life: People that have had one session in the Harmonic Egg have stated relief from stress, improved mood and sleep, and improved appetite—an overall improvement in the quality of Life. Some people even linked it to achieving the state of “savasana” in yoga.
Imagine what regular sessions in The Harmonic Egg at Frisco would do for your quality of life. Well, there’s only one way of finding out!
Connect with Your True Self: The Harmonic Egg guides a person to a state of supreme relaxation. This happens because the resonance chamber brings the body, mind and soul back to its natural state. It does so by removing any blockages to the flow of energy within the body.
When you get out of The Harmonic Egg, you’ll feel like you’ve been reborn. As it’s a total reset for your mind, body and soul. The best part is that you can do it as many times as you like.
Click Here To Start Your Journey With The Harmonic Egg